Embrace, touches and health

Shoulder. Hand
The back of the head.
Don’t blow out the fire of the candle,
That flares up in a hurry.
Her soul is so good. Her soul is naked. Her soul is faithful to you.
Touch is a biological necessity. It relaxes us and leads to a comfortable state. Touch brings us into contact with ourselves and to our inner journey beyond knowledge, to the discovery of our natural essence. How it works? It turns out that the touch of a dear person itself has a healing effect, since it results in a “hormonal release”. First, there is a release of endorphins (happy hormones), which reduces pain and causes a feeling of pleasure and euphoria. In addition, it increases production of hormones such as serotonin (relieving anxiety), oxytocin (reducing stress, causing empathy and relaxation), dopamine (giving a feeling of happiness, pleasure, and improving concentration). Therefore, the hug of a loved one is the first thing we need in a stressful situation.
Hugs never hurt
How to define that you suffer from lack of tenderness in your couple? As scientists have discovered, people who regularly do not get tactile contact with somebody they love begin to experience a growing sense of anxiety, a decrease in their emotional background, and self-doubt. Searching for a way out, partners begin to seek tenderness in sex – that is, they play out a sudden passion with the only goal – to get their dose of touch. As physiologists calculated, a person needs eight hugs a day to maintain a good state of mind!
And even if a person realizes this, it may be embarrassing to impose himself on his soul mate with endless “hugs”. As a result, young ladies begin to squeeze teddy bears or melt with photographs of kittens instead of taking the first step towards their love partners. Believe me, no matter how formidably your go-getter looks, he also needs a gentle hug – it is simply more difficult for him to say about this need and communicate it to you in a form that will not infringe on his male pride.
Touch and pregnancy
In the uterus, the baby is deeply affected by the physical and emotional touch of the mother. Through this contact, the fetus is informed how much it is desired, how much it is needed and important for the world. Studying the growth and development of fetus in the uterus, scientists have found that with the help of physical touch, perfectly understood by the unborn child, he or she begins personal development. The baby pushes, and the woman begins to stroke her stomach. Touching of the stomach, both by mother and father, is the first contact with a baby who has not yet been born. The child gains experience in communication, understands that he is surrounded by another world and appreciates its friendliness in relation to himself. A similar experience obtained by the child during his stay in the uterus determines the whole subsequent life of a person, his habits and ways of responding to difficult life situations.
Antenatal emotional neglect leaves unhealed psychological scars for a long time since maternal thoughts and feelings have a great influence on the child’s thinking. In rare cases, antisocial and/or criminal tendencies might develop, but more often embryonic neglect is manifested in the impossibility of creating significant and long-term relationships in adulthood. Experience of intrauterine life, as well as the process of giving birth to a child – whether he experiences pain or is easily born, naturally or with some kind of stimulation – largely determines who he will become and how he will perceive the world around him.
Most often people touch this way:
- giving a “bear hug” – a symbol of openness and trust, support and readiness to take responsibility for this person
- handshake – means strong friendships and business relationships
- touching one’s shoulders or back is a sign of support and attention to the companion
- intimate touch is a sign of full acceptance of a partner
- stroking on the head is a parental technique, the purpose of which is obvious – to take compassion, to caress and to comfort a loved one
Beloved person’s hand relieves pain
Holding someone’s hand when it hurts, really helps to cope with the pain, research has shown. And, according to the psychiatrist Joseph Hullett, this effect only intensifies if a woman holds her lover’s hand. The rhythm of life is so fast that we often do not have enough time to stop and just look around. We forget about our close and beloved people, forget that they, like ourselves, need us, our care, our touch. So, let’s give each other some love and tenderness. And believe me, the world will become much warmer and more comfortable if we are in each other’s arms for at least a few minutes a day.
Giving YOU a strong hug!