The art of gliding: all you wanted to know about lubricants

Let’s start with the basics. The opinion that a lubricant during sex is used only with a deficiency of natural moisture in women is not relevant these days. Despite a great volume of information, I keep on telling women and men what a lubricant is and why it is needed, so, the number of such questions made me to write this article.
“The article will help you to figure out the existing lubricants, choose the most suitable one for yourself, study the peculiarities of its use and start getting even more pleasure during sex.”
What is a lubricant and what is it for?
Lubricant (lat. lubrico – make smooth, slippery) – a material that facilitates friction. It consists of a base (one is water, silicone, oil) and auxiliary adhesive.
So, let’s imagine any version of sexual intercourse – mechanical interactions with the genital mucosal. Naturally, the duration of such interactions is not a minute or two (I want to believe ?). Therefore, it is obvious that friction causes mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (no matter how actively the glands of the female vagina are secreted, natural lubrication is rarely enough for the long-term act).
Mechanical damage entails the penetration of natural flora into damaged tissue sites and inflammatory processes. Of course, these conditions are much more characteristic of women. Moreover, women often complain of the appearance of disorders associated with urination, after intercourse – postcoital cystitis associated with the “rubbing” of the bacterial flora into the urethra (urinary tract). The lubricant allows to avoid such conditions. Firstly, it forms a certain kind of protective barrier that prevents penetration of bacteria, and secondly, it creates sufficient moisture for gliding and comfortable sensations.
In fact, the need to use a lubricant is much wider, so let us consider situations where the lubricant is “must have”:
- use with sex toys is obligatory, because in this case there is not enough natural lubrication, or it may not produce at all;
- condom use – with this method of contraception, a lubricant, reducing friction, decreases the possibility of condom cracks (the lubricant that is in the condom is not enough for a full sexual intercourse). Generally, the use of lubricants with condoms is considered a must condition.
- during anal sex – the anal area needs maximum preparation and moisturizing from the outside, for mechanical friction with this type of penetration is greater, therefore this kind of sex is not worth starting without a special lubricant;
- a lubricant with fragrance and flavoring is relevant for oral sex, if there is a desire to enrich the usual sensations and, again, the saliva released is not always enough for the entire sexual intercourse;
- during masturbation, manual stimulation of the genitals, erotic massage, which allows you to get more vivid sensations without irritation and micro traumatization.
It is already obvious that without a lubricant, sexual life is not diverse as much.
“In fact, some gynecological diseases can be prevented by using a lubricant (inflammation of the vagina and vulva, internal genital organs, and urination disorders).”
This is especially important and relevant for women entering menopause, when there are fewer female sex hormones (estrogens) and their own lubrication is reduced – such women are simply not recommended to have sexual intercourse without a lubricant, in addition, lubricating the mucous membrane itself slightly slows down its age-related atrophy.
By the way, during gynecological examinations, I often use a lubricant for the comfort of a woman.
How to choose a lubricant?
Not to mention trade names, we divide lubricants according to the basis in their content and according to the purpose for which they are used. So:
Water-based lubricants are the most popular and are considered universal. They are suitable for masturbation, use with sex toys, vaginal sex, petting and oral sex. The only difficulty is their use with toys or sexual intercourse in water when the grease is quickly washed out.
On a silicone basis – for the smoothest glide and lasting effect. These lubricants are very proof, do not need an additional dose during intercourse, are necessary for anal sex, relaxation in the pool or shower. However, avoid using silicone lubricants with silicone products, as well as with toys made of porous materials, because the stuff will become damaged.
Oil based. Lubricants with oils that destroy almost all the materials of which intimate products are made, especially condoms. Why they are needed at all? For example, for masturbation, massage. These lubricants can also be used for anal sex without a condom, as well as with glass and plastic toys (again, anally), because vaginal use of oil products leads to a decrease in the natural flora of the vagina and contributes to fungal and bacterial inflammatory processes.
About some features of intimate gels:
- Depending on the degree of individual sensitivity of skin and mucous membranes, various substances, most often parabens used in the manufacture of intimate lubricants, can cause allergies.
- Some studies have shown that water-based gels in combination with glycerin (water-glycerin bases) can cause yeast fungus to multiply in the vagina. To avoid these complications, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition of the product indicated on the package and keep away from these components.
- Special lubricants labeled “anal” may contain additional painkillers or sensitivity-reducing components. Pay attention to this, as allergic reactions to anesthetics are also possible, and also – you should use this type of lubricant correctly, as intended.
- It is important that the lubricant for oral sex be labeled as edible because the aroma of, say, cherries does not mean cherry taste and generally the possibility of use in food.
- Massage lubricants are most often silicone, which, unlike oils, are not absorbed into the skin, but make it smooth. Usually they can also be used for sex, but do not forget to clarify this information on the packaging or in the instructions.
- The lubricant should be applied before the sexual intercourse and can be added in the process. It is advisable to apply to the genitals of both partners (do not overuse it), but there is no way applying it in a condom (it can be lost inside of a partner).
Regarding additives to lubricants – they can be stimulating, anesthetizing, healing, spermicidal, etc. – these are small bonuses that can be pleasant, but from which you should not expect a fairylike effect. It is much more effective for these purposes to use special means for one purpose or another one, still leaving the main function to lubricants – to moisturize and create a protective barrier.
Where to get one?
Of course, lubricants, usually sold in pharmacies and supermarkets, are more affordable, but their quality is far from always satisfactory, because their bases – most often dry quickly, slide down and do not give high-quality, comfortable sensations.
I recommend purchasing lubricants in sex shops, especially since online stores work great and experienced consultants will be happy to advise you on their variety of quality brands. In case you are embarrassed to ask, you can read everything in the description of the product, watch video reviews, and then purchase the product through delivery service.
So, introduce a lubricant into your intimate life and make it even more vivid and diverse.
Questions and comments are welcome as always ?